
How to remove windows 10 update kb2538242
How to remove windows 10 update kb2538242

Open your File Explorer ( This PC or My Computer). This is the second method to delete Windows update files and other cached data or temporary files. Remove Windows Update Files and Cached Data Note: Some Windows updates are not removable, you can’t simply uninstall it with Windows Programs and Features section. Delete Windows 10 Update Files and Temporary Cached Files – TechnigĢ. To delete an installed update, select and right click the installed update you want to uninstall, then click Uninstall. On the programs and feature page, select View installed updates. Let’s begin with uninstalling an update file.ġ. Press Windows+R to open the Run and type “ appwiz.cpl” on the Windows Run to open Program and Features. The second is delete the update cached files in Windows 10 using disk cleanup.ĭelete Windows 10 update files and temporarily cached files:įollow the below step by step guide to delete Windows 10 update files, temporary files, and other cached files. The first one is deleting from Windows update an installed update file which sometimes causes the issue. There are two ways to delete Windows 10 update files. So try to clean up your system temporary files to speed up the performance of your computer, specialty Windows 10. Fortunately, it works the same for all Windows. Unless we had explained for previews Windows, like Windows 8.1 and Windows 7. This is the most common problem user asked us about.

how to remove windows 10 update kb2538242

  • How to Delete Windows 10 Temporary Files?.
  • But for deleting Windows 10 update files, you can use the Windows 10 installed Update section. The built-in Disk Cleanup’s of Windows feature is great for deleting Windows temporary files.

    how to remove windows 10 update kb2538242 how to remove windows 10 update kb2538242

    You must manually delete Windows 10 update files or use some third-party application. When you update your Windows, the update files will be cached on your Windows system drive. Remove or delete Windows 10 update files will free the system drive space and speed up your PC too.

    How to remove windows 10 update kb2538242